The Internationalization in the Innovation Process in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Brazilian Startup
Internationalization strategy, Innovation process, Startups, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)Abstract
Objective: To understand how the innovation process is impacted by the internationalization strategy of the Brazilian ICT startups.
Method: The multiple cases study was adopted with seven startups. The analysis was based on the concepts of internationalization strategy defined by Carneiro and Dib (2007) and the innovation process of Tidd and Bessant (2009). Data was collected through interviews with the founders of the startups, documental analysis and observation.
Originality / Relevance: Internationalization and innovation are usually addressed separately and focused mainly in large companies. Studies connecting both themes are scarce in the academic literature., especially in emerging countries.
Results: The motivation, the choice of the country, the time to internationalization, what was internationalized and the way the startups arrived in other country impacted the innovation process of the startups. However, it was observed that the choice of the country and the form of entry contributed more to the innovation process of these nascent companies.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The academic contribution is the empirical observation of the innovation process, considering the internationalization, in startups in an emerging country. Through the results, eight propositions were brought up to path future studies about those themes.
Social / management contributions: Based on the innovation process as a way for startups to be competitive this study contributes by identifying internationalization strategies that lead startups to the advancement of the innovation process. In this way, Brazilian ICT startups and public policies can support the development of these strategies.
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