Analysis of Ventures Builders' Business Model
Business Model, Venture Builder, Startup, Venture Capital, AcceleratorAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the business model of venture builders that supports the development of startups. One in four Brazilian startups close their operations in a year. It was perceived that entrepreneurs have difficulties in accessing funding and knowledge for new business. There are studies that discuss the mechanisms that support startups, such as venture capital operations and accelerators. However, there’s few papers that discuss the business model of venture builders. This study has a qualitative approach, with a unique case study, and it has an exploratory and descriptive nature. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The technique used to analyze the results was content analysis with the software Atlas.ti. The main results were found in the four elements of the organization's business model. In value proposition, the venture builder creates value to its customer by sharing knowledge and providing financial resources. In profit formula, while the venture builder delivers value to the customer, it creates value for itself, because it becomes a shareholder of the startup. In key resources, people have an essential role in the sharing of knowledge and achieve goals. Finally, the key process involves implementation of specialized services and targeted mentoring. Thus, the main features that differentiate this business model of venture builder are the process duration, the implementation of specialized services and networking.
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