Explanatory model of the impact of globalization on entrepreneurial education: Global policies, entrepreneurial behaviors and international networks





Globalization, Entrepreneurial education, Entrepreneurship policies, International networks, Global educational communities


Objective: explain the impact of globalization on the emergence of trends for entrepreneurial education. Method: a theoretical-reflective review of the literature was carried out, using thematic analysis, to answer the research questions; 51 articles collected from Scopus, WOS and Google Scholar were analyzed and organized into three thematic groups. Originality/Relevance: there was a lack of a qualitative study that, based on literature, demonstrated the impact of entrepreneurial education. Results: three thematic dimensions were recognized that explain the impact of entrepreneurial education: identifying socio-educational contexts and problems, defining global educational policies, and creating international research and development networks. Theoretical/methodological contributions: these explanatory dimensions of the impact of entrepreneurial education made it possible to specify the following specific contributions: educational, labour and social policies; behaviours related to the ability to think creatively, act with initiative and make things happen; and international networks that stimulate entrepreneurial skills, employability and social cohesion.


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Author Biography

Jacinto Jardim, Universidade Aberta (UAb), Lisboa, LIS, Portugal




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Jardim, J. (2024). Explanatory model of the impact of globalization on entrepreneurial education: Global policies, entrepreneurial behaviors and international networks. REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal, 13(2), e2539. https://doi.org/10.14211/regepe.esbj.e2539



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