Cultural Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy: The Galpao Group Theater Company
Cultural entrepreneurship. Creative economy. Shed Group. I encourage the culture. Rouanet LawAbstract
Purpose: To analyze and describe cultural entrepreneurship in the context of the creative economy, according to the perception of the Galpão Group, based in the city of Belo Horizonte / MG.
Methodology: Descriptive research, qualitative approach through case study. The unit of analysis was cultural entrepreneurship and the unit of observation the Galpão Theater Group. Data collection was through semi-structured interview and analysis by categorical content analysis technique.
Results: The group revealed broad knowledge about the subject, whose main challenges are the difficulty of planning the events in the medium and long term and the difficulty of generating revenue exclusively by the participating public. It was identified that the creation and maintenance of the Cultural Center has contributed to several projects of access to the culture of interest to society, where the Rouanet Law has been playing a relevant role.
Theoretical contributions: It contributes to the expansion of knowledge of studies related to cultural entrepreneurship, emphasizing the creative economy, whose researches are moving towards achieving soundness from the scientific point of view
Relevance/originality: It mainly contemplates the academic and social contexts, in order to broaden the studies directed to cultural entrepreneurship and its originality is centered on the research of a prominent theater company in Brazil, focusing on cultural entrepreneurship in the economy dimension creative.Social contributions/management: Encourages the development of a more egalitarian society in relation to the entrepreneurial spirit, through cultural dissemination, focusing on the principles of creative economy and entrepreneurial management.
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