Quantitative research in entrepreneurship using R software for data analysis
Quantitative methods, R software, Secondary dataAbstract
Objective of the study: this editorial aims to present an overview of Brazilian quantitative research in entrepreneurship, as well as describing possibilities for advancing this methodological approach. Methodology and approach: the article consists of an editorial publication, built from bibliographic research of entrepreneurship literature and theoretical reflections. Main Results: Most national entrepreneurship research follows a qualitative approach. Despite its relevance, quantitative research also has multiple potentialities, especially associated with the use of data originating from secondary sources. Main theoretical and methodological contributions: We present public databases that can be used by entrepreneurship researchers to advance theory. Some strategies for using these bases are exemplified through a brief tutorial in R language. We further debate about strategies to strengthen quantitative research in the area. Finally, we bring a research agenda. Relevance/Originality: contents that are still little explored in the national literature are presented, such as the use of secondary data and machine learning. Social and managerial contributions: some of the databases presented in the study come from government sources and can be used to support the construction of public policies for entrepreneurship. In addition, the precepts on quantitative research presented in this editorial can support managers who work with data analysis to perform more robust studies, regardless of the area, whether practical or academic.
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