Intrapreneurial behavior and intrapreneurial organizational culture: An analysis of the influence on project success
Intrapreneurship, Project Success, Intrapreneurial Organizational Culture, Team, Structural Equation ModelingAbstract
Objective: Despite the great academic and practical interest in intrapreneurship, there are few studies that relate it to project success. The objective of this study is to determine the moderating influence of intrapreneurial organizational culture on intrapreneurial behavior and its relationships with project success. The study also aims to establish the heterogeneous profiles of intrapreneurship, and their different effects on the success of projects. Method: a survey approach was used, with data analysis by structural equation modeling, linear regression for moderation tests, and latent class analysis for the heterogeneous classification of the sample of 284 project participants in terms of intrapreneurship. Theoretical contributions: the results show that there is influence of intrapreneurship of professionals on project success. On the other hand, a weak or average intrapreneurial organizational culture reduces the strength of the relationship between intrapreneurship and project success. The study also identifies three heterogeneous profiles of intrapreneurs, and that organizational culture increases the possibility of project success, even for individuals with a low profile for intrapreneurship. Originality: this study pioneerly analyzes the relationship between individual and organizational intrapreneurship, as culture, for project success, directly and indirectly, with a diversified methodology. Contributions to management: the study suggests for practice the importance of intrapreneurial behavior for the success of projects, and the relevance of stimulating an intrapreneurial organizational culture, capable of mobilizing even less entrepreneurial individuals, to the extent that naturally intrapreneurial individuals are scarce.
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