Embeddedness in complex networks: Theoretical central debate, policy implications, and research agenda in ethnic entrepreneurship
Ethnic entrepreneurship, Ethnic businesses, Ethnicity, Systematic reviewAbstract
Objective: This article explores Ethnic Entrepreneurship as an emerging organizational phenomenon, aiming to provide a comprehensive overview through a systematic literature review. Method: Triangulation employed bibliometric analysis, network analysis, citation and co-citation analysis, co-citation network, and a meta-analysis of bibliometrics over the period. It also includes content analysis demonstrating study characteristics, key findings, and suggestions for future research. Key Findings: The crucial role of ethnic networks in identity valorization and overcoming obstacles, exerting a moderating influence on entrepreneurial decisions, was identified. Furthermore, a broader theoretical framework for understanding the EE phenomenon is synthesized. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: A combined method of analyses is employed, offering an approach that can be adopted by similar research. The theoretical framework in which EE studies are anchored is presented, emphasizing social immersion, co-ethnic network building, and Economic Sociology. Relevance/Originality: In a growing global migration movement, individuals have become entrepreneurs in the pursuit of ethnic valorization, equality, and survival. They face various barriers in host countries, influencing the decision to undertake entrepreneurship and their business. This study fills a gap by elucidating how research explains the interplay of these emerging phenomena. Social/Management Contributions: The article identifies future directions for EE research, addressing crucial issues such as gender, network construction, financing, international refugee policies, public policies, ethnicity, ethnic markets, marginalization, and prejudice. Its conclusions offer valuable insights for managers, researchers, and policymakers.
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