The Influence of the Clusterization Process in the Growth of Small Enterprises: A Case Study in the “Cachaça” Industry of Santa Catarina
Cluster resources, Growth of Enterprises, Cachaça, Geographic concentration.Abstract
This research aimed to analyze how the clustering process can influence the growth of small businesses enterprises in “cachaça” industry of Santa Catarina, in Brazil. Therefore, It has realized a collective case study with seven micro and small “cachaça” producers of Luiz Alves region and another company in other region. In addition, it has used the bibliographic research as a way to compare the results with other localities. The data have been collected through interviews and the analysis using content analysis technique. It was observed that the performance through the cluster resources can extend the growth of the enterprises, mainly by perception of quality about the products. To expand the benefits, it must be emphasized the possibility of associated form of action. As theoretical contribution, it is noted that the approach to cluster theory can be linked to the firm's growth theory.Downloads
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