Innovative Capacity: An Exploratory Study in Organizations of the Mechanical Metal Segment in the South Brazil
Dynamic Capabilities, Innovative Capacity, Competitive Advantage.Abstract
This study aims to identify, understand and analyze the mechanisms and instruments for the development of innovative capacity. The aim was to describe and analyze the behavior and skills of change and innovation, the processes and routines of search and innovation and the mechanisms of learning and knowledge governance that support the development of innovative capacity. The study was realized in four organizations of the metal mechanic segment, located in the South region of Brazil, that constitutes an important sector in the local and regional productive matrix. The study adopted a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and multi - case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the managers of the companies. After, they were studied and analyzed through discourse analysis. The main results showed that the element behaviors and abilities stand out the entrepreneurial behavior, the technological pioneering, the attitude regarding about the need for change, the ability to anticipate trends, market analysis and team daring. Regarding the routines and processes, emphasis is given to the continuous improvement and improvement of processes and the freedom to innovate in products and processes. In relation to the mechanisms of learning and knowledge governance, predominate internal entrepreneurship, the internalization of technology and innovative posture.
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