Strategic Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Enterprises of Brazilian and Canadian Aeronautical Industry
Strategic Entrepreneurship. Small and Medium Enterprises. Aeronautical IndustryAbstract
Purpose: The general objective of this article is to analyze the process of strategic entrepreneurship in small and medium companies of the aeronautical industry operating in Brazil and Canada.
Design/Methodology: This is a qualitative multiple case study. Data were collected through detailed semi-structured interviews. Intra and inter-case analyzes were used to identify similarities and differences among data segments to obtain final results which were valid to all the cases.
Originality/Relevance: The article focuses an important research gap regarding strategic entrepreneurship related to high development generating small and medium enterprises, specifically technological ones and studied in an international comparison.
Findings: In their strategic entrepreneurship, the Brazilian companies identify a new opportunity monitoring the environment, both internal and external, and participating in research groups, and they exploit the opportunity with innovation development and strategic partnerships. At the same time, they create a competitive advantage managing strategic resources, strategic actions and strategic knowledge, and sustain this advantage by developing a strategic management as technological leader with a prospective and competitive posture. The Canadian companies identify a new opportunity promoting an environment conducive to creativity together with the monitoring of the internal and external environments and to information management, and exploit the opportunity also with strategic partnerships and innovation development. Concomitantly, they create a competitive advantage developing a process of strategic formulation and mapping, and sustain the advantage by developing an offensive strategic management focused on technology and learning.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The article enlarges knowledge about the identification and exploitation of new opportunities, and about creating and sustaining competitive advantages in small and medium technological enterprises; its results can be useful in theoretical and practical terms.
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