Discourse and Social Entrepreneurship: what can the practice of students engaged in social projects reveal?
Social Entrepreneurship, Critical Analysis of Discourse (DAC), Business Administration CourseAbstract
Purpose: This study aims to understand, from the perspective of Critical Analysis of Discourse (CAD), the students’ discursive conceptions on the practical experience of social projects in the Social Entrepreneurship (SE) class of the Business Administration course at UNIFEI-MG.
Design/methodology: As Norman Fairclough (2001; 2003) suggests, discourse was considered a social practice and the textual, discursive and social practices of the investigated students were analyzed. The discourses were collected through two focus groups and the results analyzed based on the CAD.
Main findings: The results show that there are divergences in the discursive productions of both groups of students, as the high academic performance group reveals a discourse based on a substantive rationality, with emotion, intensity and based on values directed to a collective well-being. In contrast, the low academic performance group is guided by an instrumental rationality, and by the need to work for a financial return.
Theoretic/methodology contributions: It became evident that the externalized discursive conceptions reflect the discursive practice of the SE, but at the same time they denote the hegemonic management discourse of Administration and its instrumental logic.
Originality/value: Kedmenec et al. (2016) and Shahverdi et al. (2018) reinforce the relevance of incorporating the discourse content of SE in traditional courses. It is verified that SE is capable of providing effective solutions to several social, economic and environmental problems, from the perspective of valuing the human capital and developing social emancipation (Shahverdi et al., 2018).
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