The Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Social Business
Antecedents. Entrepreneurial Orientation. Social Business. StartupsAbstract
Purpose: This article aims to characterize the EO antecedents in Social Business Startups.
Design/methodology: An exploratory and qualitative study was developed, with data collection through semistructured interviews with founders of eight social businesses. The data were analyzed by content analyses with the support of software ATLAS.ti.
Findings: The results present a characterization of the EO antecedents: social mission, identification of opportunities, access to capital, and stakeholders. The results show that the identification of opportunities is the main antecedent and these opportunities are related to the needs of participation and social contribution by the founders. Following is the social mission, seen as an opportunity to contribute to the quality of life of the population in general.
Theoretical contribuitions: The study contributes to the characterization of the antecedents of EO in the context of social business, evidencing that there is difference of this antecedent in the social and purely economic contexts.
Relevance/originality: The study investigates the background studies that can be the propellers or facilitators of entrepreneurial initiatives.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: Understanding the background of OE in social business can contribute to the development of strategic actions among entrepreneurs and social business ventures.
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