Contemporary marketing practices: the case of small clothing manufacturing companies
Contemporary marketing practices, Digital marketing, Interactive marketing, Network marketing, Small businessAbstract
Objective: to analyze small clothing manufacturing companies and the use of contemporary marketing practices in the dimensions of interactive marketing, digital marketing and network marketing.
Methodology: the study is qualitative, descriptive and has multiple cases, and it is conducted through semi-structured interviews, documentary surveys and direct observation.
Main results: the small clothing manufacturing company uses interaction marketing practices, network marketing and mainly digital marketing, including some planning, performance evaluation, and intensity, varying according to the entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: discussion of contemporary marketing practices, in the context of small clothing manufacturing companies, and formulation of new research proposals.
Relevance/originality: studies on the theme of contemporary marketing practices are concentrated in the context of large companies, thus, this study discusses practices in the Brazilian context, small business, and manufactured goods.
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