Entrepreneurial Competences: Development of an Evaluation Scale
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Competences, evaluation.Abstract
Title: Entrepreneurial competences: development of an evaluation scale
Objective: The article aimed to present the process of elaboration and validation of a scale that evaluates the entrepreneurial competences developed in undergraduate entrepreneurship courses.
Method: To elaborate and validate the scale, documentary analysis, focus groups, validation by judges, semantic validation and empirical validation with 182 respondents were performed.
Originality / Relevance: The article presents an entrepreneurial competences scale developed specifically to assess the competences of undergraduate entrepreneurship courses, as opposed to existing scales that are focused on business owners, not representing the reality of students.
Results: The validated scale has 36 items, divided into 5 factors. Factor 1 was named “competences to build the business model”. Factor 2 was named “selling and risk taking competences”. Factor 3 was named “opportunity identification competences”. Factor 4 was named “competences to accept mistakes”. Finally, factor 5 was named “teamwork competences”.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The main contribution proposed by the article is the presentation of a scale capable of measuring entrepreneurial competences developed by students of entrepreneurship courses or subjects, since the existing scales are focused on business owners. The scale can be replicated for assessment of other entrepreneurship courses and its construction and validation process can be replicated.
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