Linear, Adaptive or Interpretative? Understanding the Dynamics of Training Strategies in Small Enterprises
Small Business, Strategy Formation, Rationality, Interpretation, LearningAbstract
This study examines how occurs the process of strategy formation in small business, based on the rational, interpretive and adaptive elements that influence this process. It explores how these elements intercalate and complement each other characterizing the strategic formation, in a dynamic process that influences how the strategies emerge and are developed in small business. It is a comparative case study of a qualitative nature, using a multi-method approach. The data were collected by non-participant observation, from document and interviews. The data were analyzed using narrative analysis techniques. The main results showed that the strategy formation in small business is predominantly characterized by adaptive and interpretive elements. When existing, elements of a rational nature are related to methods of control and accountability. The strategy formation process presented a cyclical characteristic because it was fed by the entrepreneur's learning process, based on the lived experiences. Finally, the dynamics of elements of a rational, interpretive and adaptive nature allowed the identification of a standard behavior of these elements in the strategy formation process in small business.
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