Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence of its Manifestation in Four Project Management Offices
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimensions, Project Management Office (PMO), Project Management Systems (PMS), Multiple case study.Abstract
This study aims to analyze how entrepreneurial orientation dimensions manifest in different types of project management offices in companies that develop software, from the perspective of their project management systems. The research method used was a multiple case study in four software development companies. Data collection strategy included semi-structured interviews, document analysis and filed records. Data were triangulated and analyzed inter- and intra-case. The results obtained indicated that dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation can manifest at different levels in the same type of project management office. Factors related to the organizational structure and the management system adopted tend to affect the way in which entrepreneurial orientation manifests in a determined context. The main limitations are methodological and refer to the holding of one interview per company and to the way the analysis was conducted, since another researcher could adopt another form of analyzing data and presenting results. This study allows for understanding of the entrepreneurial orientation phenomenon in a project management context in addition to proposing future studies on this theme based on the gaps identified.
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