The Use of Digital Marketing: An Analysis of Companies in a Technological Park
Marketing Digital, Marketing Digital Strategic Actions, MetricsAbstract
Purpose: to understand how small companies located in a technology park make use of strategic actions and digital marketing tools to promote their business.
Methodology/approach: an exploratory data collection was systematized, with a qualitative approach, through in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs in the technology park.
Main results: the research demonstrated that entrepreneurs have difficulties in the formation and execution of digital marketing strategies. The knowledge they retain about each tool reflects their use.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: a framework was built, demonstrating how small companies execute their digital marketing strategies, together with the role of knowledge of the tools and their metrics, in the use and actions performed by organizations.
Relevance/originality: to understand how companies inserted in innovation environments use the different strategic actions that digital marketing offers and how they perform the proper monitoring of these actions.
Social/management contributions: from work, small business managers can recognize what are the barriers encountered in the execution of digital marketing strategies, seeking solutions to overcome these challenges, in the light of their knowledge and the potential impacts on business.
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