Brick’s Burguer House: The challenge to grow without losing the taste
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Marketing, Decision of making, Case studyAbstract
Objective: to propose a case study to analyze the growth and development strategies of a handmade hamburger, Brick's Burger House - the "star's snack", which intends to expand its business to other cities. Context/Reality investigated: with two years of existence, in the city where it operates, the company has become market leader in its segment. The competition, which aggressively tries to get a bigger share of the market, imposes to the partners the great challenge of defining Brick's growth strategy. Diagnosis/Problem situation/Opportunity: The big challenge is to grow without losing the main reason of the hamburger’s success: to provide customers with the Brick's experience. Results: The result of the research corroborates the orientation towards entrepreneurial marketing (OME), a characteristic in the behavior of the snack bar and hamburger shop sector, which points out looks focused on the market, the opportunity, and the customer. This brings to light the discussion, in class, about entrepreneurial skills and the proposal of solutions for decision-making.
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