The Tink’s Saga? is It the Time for the Corporate Governance?





Multifamily company, Interest conflicts, Information asymmetry, Corporate governance, Teaching Cases


Objective: To promote a discussion on the benefits and challenges of the process of implementing mechanisms and good corporate governance practices in a multifamily company. Method: the case was based on real problems of a privately held multifamily organization and fictitious narratives were developed for its construction. Originality/relevance: Multifamily companies potentialize the existence of conflicts between the main ones due to the plurality of partners regarding corporate management and control. In this teaching case, some of these dilemmas were presented and how corporate governance could avoid, mitigate or remedy them in order to find adequate alignment between family members. Results: Conflicts of interest and information asymmetries indicated the need for new solutions for business continuity. Among these solutions, there was the possibility of implementing mechanisms and good corporate governance practices. Theoretical/methodological contributions: It is expected that the student develops an understanding of the need to consider inherent gains and losses in decision making and the particularities of the organization, such as shareholder composition, maturity of the organization and protection of capital and property.


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Author Biographies

Eleandra Maria Prigol Meneghini, Post-Graduate Program in Administration, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, UNIVALI, Itajaí / SC, Brazil

Eleandra Maria Prigol Meneghini is a doctoral student in Business Strategy at the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Master in Administration from the Graduate Program in Administration at UNIVALI (2020). Specialist lato sensu Executive MBA in Economics and Management: Agribusiness, FGV (2016). Graduated in Administration with Qualification in Foreign Trade - University of the West of Santa Catarina (2002). Professor hired by the University of the State of Mato Grosso (2016 - 2017). Professional experience in the private sector of the food industry (1994 - 2016). Member of the Study Group on Strategy and Performance - GEEP (UNIVALI). Researcher in the field of Organizational Strategies; Industrial Organization (IO); Nonmarket strategy: Corporate Political Activity (CPA), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Corporate Governance and Cooperatives.  

Ana Paula Pereira dos Passos, Post-Graduate Program in Administration, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, UNIVALI, Itajaí / SC, Brazil

Ana Paula Pereira dos Passos is a doctoral student, Master and Graduated in Administration at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Member of the Strategy and Performance Study Group (GEEP). Associate professor-researcher in the Continuing Education Program in Business Economics and Management (PECEGE) at the University of São Paulo (USP). External tutor in the Administration and Accounting course at Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (UNIASSELVI). Research Assistant for projects developed by the São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV) and Wharton Business School (UPenn). Responsible for the IG entitled SOS of Scientific Research. Recent studies focus on the themes of corporate political activity, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance.  

Jeferson Lana, Post-Graduate Program in Administration, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, UNIVALI, Itajaí / SC, Brazil

Jeferson Lana holds a PhD in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/EAESP (2013-2017). Scholarship from the Capes/Fulbright Doctoral Sandwich Program at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, PA, USA (2015/2016). Master in Administration from UNIVALI/SC (2013). Postgraduate in Financial Management with emphasis in Capital Markets from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2010). Graduated in Business Administration from Fundação Educacional de Brusque - Unifebe(2007). He is a professional approved by ANBID / Anbima (National Association of Investment Banks) CPA-20. Business administrator and consultant for the Rovian group. He is also a personal financial and corporate finance advisor. Professor at the Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) and at the Professional Master's Program in Management, Internationalization and Logistics (PMPGIL) at UNIVALI in matters related to Quantitative Methods, Finance and Financial Investments. He taught at the undergraduate level at Grupo Uniasselvi/ASSEVIM (Kroton) between 2008 and 2012. He also taught at the University Center of Brusque - Unifebe (2012) and at Saint Paul Educacional in São Paulo/SP during 2014. He serves as a visiting professor at the level of specialization (MBAs) at the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, UNOESC, SENAC, among others.  


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How to Cite

Meneghini, E. M. P., Passos, A. P. P. dos, & Lana, J. (2020). The Tink’s Saga? is It the Time for the Corporate Governance?. REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal, 10(1), e1850.



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