Cognitive Style and Dimensions of Strategy Process in Micro and Small Enterprises
Strategy process, Cognitive Style Divergent Holistic, Micro and Small Enterprises.Abstract
The process of business strategy has three dimensions: the logical and creative thinking, deliberate or emerging formation and revolutionary or evolutionary change. In addition, the cognitive style strategist also gained emphasis in the field of strategy, being characterized by the individual pattern information processing. Aligning cognition to the dimensions of the strategic process, we adopted as cut out the micro and small enterprises, regarded as entrepreneurial organizations. The overall objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between the cognitive style divergent holistic of the entrepreneur and the three dimensions of the strategy process in micro and small enterprises. Adopted a quantitative approach to collecting data from questionnaire to a sample of 92 micro and small enterprises in a municipality of São Paulo. The results from the analysis of structural equation modeling showed the relationship between the holistic style with divergent strategic thinking creative type, with the deliberate strategy formation and strategic change character so much revolutionary as evolutionary. As contributions, we outlined that on a holistic divergent style, the entrepreneur takes a creative strategic thinking and urges both revolutionary changes as evolutionary. On the other hand, creativity, innovation and holistic view of the style in question does not necessarily confirm an emerging strategic formation, flexible and collaborative, on the contrary, they are associated with a deliberate formation under the sole responsibility of the entrepreneur owner.
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